How have we integrated Salesforce?

Link all or selected contacts and campaigns from any Salesforce Account to your Text & Tell Account. Once linked, SMS's can be sent to these contacts.
Why use Salesforce Integration?
  • Salesforce is the most widley used CRM
  • Adds SMS communications to your Salesforce account
  • Salesforce contacts can be synced on demand

You can link any Salesforce User to any Text & Tell User (see screenshot below). You will need your Salesforce username and password and create a Salesforce API Security Token from within your Salesforce account.
We are happy to help!

Once your account is linked, you can synchronise all your Salesforce contacts or just the contacts linked to campaigns. Synchronisation can be repeated any time on demand. Duplicate contacts will be prevented by matching User's Mobile Numbers and Email addresses.

Your contact's subscription status can be managed either from your Salesforce account or your Text & Tell account. Your contacts can unsubscribe by sending 'STOP'.

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